We're so happi you're here

Meet Dr Chiara

Scientist, sufferer & founder

I have personally suffered with issues relating to the bladder and intimate area for years and I tried everything! Often plagued by microbiome imbalances resulting in unpleasant side effects, it feels like a never-ending cycle.

I was so frustrated with drinking cranberry juice, the discomfort and impact on my personal life - there is hardly any innovation in the space, always similar ingredients pulled together under a new brand. Lets use science to serve women better! After completing my PhD in synthetic biology engineering my team and I began a long journey carrying out years of research into the female microbiome, collaborating with women to understand their needs. After years of development we are excited P.Happi® is now here!

P.Happi® offers a completely new approach. It has the potential to help many women by offering a proactive solution. Our aim is to advance the barriers of research and shed light on the women’s intimate microbiome space because we deserve better.

We want to empower women to take control of their intimate wellbeing. Our values drive what we do.

The Science


We are a team of scientists working to find microbiome-based solutions that promote the long term wellbeing of women's intimate health.

a petri dish with bacteria in it being held up to the light showing how the bacterium eats away the bad bacteria


We collaborate with women to study their needs and deliver products that work to support their wellbeing.


We get it because we've been there. We are a team of women who understand first hand the need for more research and innovation in the women's health space.


We aim to develop products that are available over-the-counter and accessible in a way that is convenient to you either online or via your local pharmacy.

Our network says

"This innovative product fills a gap...By promoting a healthy microbiome it may reduce our reliance on traditional approaches..."

Mr Sachin Malde

MBBA MSc (Urol). FRCS (Urol), Urological Surgeon at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital

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