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Author - RUGHA M

a colour scale of different colours of pee and what they mean

What the pee? What does my pee colour mean?

Hi there, ladies! Let's have a little chat about something we might not usually discuss openly – our pee colour. Just like a morning tea leaf reading telling you about your possible future, the colour of your pee may be telling of what is happening inside of your body!


Urine colour typically ranges from pale yellow to deep amber. Interestingly, this colour comes from a pigment called urochrome, and its different concentration levels impact our pee colour. But did you know that some changes in pee colour can also indicate a vaginal infection? Let’s dive in (no pun intended)!

clear urine

Clear – This is a sign of overhydration due to drinking too much water. You might want to cut back!

pale yellow urine

Pale Yellow - This is the ideal colour. It shows that you are well-hydrated and your kidneys are functioning properly. Keep up the good work!

dark yellow urine

Dark Yellow or Amber: This usually means that you are a bit dehydrated. It's your body's way of saying, "Hey, drink some water!". Your urine may also have a stronger smell than usual.

orange urine

Orange: Orange pee can indicate dehydration too. But it can also be a sign of a liver or bile duct condition, or you may be overdoing it on the vitamin B2. If it continues, it might be a good idea to check with your doctor.

pink or red urine

Pink or Red: Now, this can be a bit alarming. Sometimes, it could be due to eating beetroot or blueberries, or it could be a side effect of certain medications. But other times, it can indicate a more serious condition like kidney disease or urinary tract infections (UTIs). If you're also experiencing symptoms like a burning sensation when you pee or lower abdominal pain, a UTI could be the culprit. UTI bacteria can sometimes spread to the vagina and vice versa and can also lead to dysbiosis (unbalanced vaginal microbiome) which can result in vaginal infections (BV, thrush etc). So, if you notice pink or red pee and it isn't food-related, please see a doctor.

brown  urine

Brown: If your pee is brown, it could mean that you have a liver condition, porphyria, or there's a lot of exercise-induced muscle breakdown. Certain medications can also cause brown urine such as Nitrofurantoin, a common UTI antibiotic. It's best to contact a healthcare provider in case you notice this.

blue or green urine

Blue or Green: Surprised? Yes, pee can be this colour too! It's usually a side effect of certain medications or medical procedures. But, in rare cases, it can indicate a genetic disease or a bacterial infection.

cloudy or milky urine

Cloudy or Milky: If you notice that your pee has turned cloudy or milky, it could be a sign of a UTI or a sexually transmitted infection (STI) like chlamydia. These infections can sometimes cause vaginal discharge which might get mixed with your pee, making it appear cloudy. If you're experiencing other symptoms such as pain during urination or abnormal vaginal discharge, it's best to get it checked out.


Now, remember – these are general guidelines. Any noticeable or consistent change in your pee could be a sign that something's off, and it's always a good idea to reach out to a healthcare provider if you're concerned. Stay in tune with your body, keep hydrating, and take care of yourselves!

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